
With an aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Greece, ITS Hellas was formed in 2008 as an independent non-profit association, member of the Network of National ITS Associations. ITS Hellas today counts more than 35 members, key players among government, industry, research and academia in Greece and seeks to contribute to the development of all public and private transportation modes, securing efficient, green, safe and inclusive mobility for people and goods.


Intelligent Transport Systems are currently strongly influencing the future of transportation and logistics in Greece. New technologies and digital transformation are significant innovation factors with robust growth potential and substantial benefits for the Greek economy, end users, and the environment. At ITS Hellas, we envisage a safe, green and sustainable future for the mobility and logistics sector.

Supporting state authorities in the formulation of ITS-related strategies, policies, and activities, as well as advancing the added value of ITS are vital tasks of our association. Promoting the exchange of ITS knowledge, supporting the formulation of ITS related strategies and policies, and building the ecosystem to foster innovation are among the association's priorities.


Connecting & Building ITS Community in Greece

Promoting Innovation

Collaboration in Research & Industry

Creating bridges with the International ITS Community

team member
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
team member
Dr. Angelos Amditis
team member
Mr. Konstantinos Chaniotis
Telenavis SA
team member
Mr. Panagiotis Zikos
team member
Prof. Yorgos Stephanedes
General Secretary
University of Patras
team member
Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis
team member
Mr. Panagiotis Papamitropoulos
SALFO and Associates SA
team member
Mr. Apostolos Bizakis
ITS Europe

9th ITS Hellas Conference: Exploring the Future of Intelligent Transport Systems in Greece

The 9th ITS Hellas Conference, themed 'Intelligent Transport Systems in Greece: Explore. Innovate. Transform,' is set to take place on June 5th & 6th at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens. This year's conference aims to delve into the dynamic landscape of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in Greece, focusing on the pivotal aspects of Exploration, Innovation, and Transformation.
With a spotlight on the Greek reality, discussions will revolve around the burgeoning realm of digitalization within transportation and supply chain networks. Experts, industry leaders, and public sector representatives will converge to dissect the latest advancements and innovations, paving the way for a collaborative dialogue aimed at shaping the future of transportation in Greece.
Join us at the 9th ITS Hellas Conference to explore the transformative potential of intelligent transport systems and chart a course towards a more efficient, connected, and sustainable future.

For more information and registration details, please click here.

ITS Europe

Εφοδιαστική Αλυσίδα & Logistics - Cargo Truck & Van Expo 2023

Σας προσκαλούμε το Σάββατο 1 Οκτωβρίου 2023, 13:30-16:00 στο πάνελ παρουσιάσεων και ανοιχτής συζήτησης με τίτλο "Innovation Move Logistics Forward - Τεχνολογίες Μεταφορών από το αύριο" που πραγματοποιείται στο πλαίσιο του 1ου ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου LOGI.C 2023 στην Συνεδριακή Αίθουσα Hall 2 του METRPOLITAN EXPO και διοργανώνεται από τους φορείς ITS Hellas, IMET/EKETA & ILME με την υποστήριξη του Εθνικού Συνεργατικού Σχηματισμού Καινοτομίας Smart Mobility & Logistics.

Εγγραφείτε εδώ!

ITS Europe

ITS Europe 2023

ERTICO - ITS Europe and Lisboa Câmara Municipal will proudly host the 15th ITS European Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, from 22 May to 24 May 2023. The event will take place at the Lisbon Congress Centre.
Come visit ITS Hellas booth in ITS Europe 2023!